Vision of the company

We strive for excellence and perfection to create the brilliance of China's battery brands with high-quality products and services.

Management Philosophy of the company

Driving production through sales, continuing to innovate new products, and promoting teamwork to achieve win-win sharing.

Core Values of the company

Creating value for customers, opportunities for employees and benefits for society.

Mission of the company

We will revitalize the national industry, reward the enterprise, the staff and the society, build a first-class brand in China's battery industry and contribute to the development of new energy.

The Culture of the company

Striving, strong, grateful, creative.
United and hardworking, benevolent and dedicated, pioneering and innovative.
Being at the forefront of the world and doing what others dare not do.

Purpose of the company

The company makes money and employees are rewarded.
As long as the company develops well, the staff welfare treatment will become better, and the lives of employees’ families will be better.
Beginning with customer pursuit, ending with customer satisfaction.
Gratitude to society, and dedication to society.

Perspective of the company

The sustainability of an enterprise depends on the value of its existence in society. If the enterprise and its products are dispensable in society, there is no possibility for the enterprise to develop, as it has no significance for existence. If enterprises are to thrive and thrive, they must play a promoting role in social progress and human civilization.

The habit of the members of the company is that proactively striving for depth as well as striving for perfection at work and being prudent and modest as human beings.

Doing everything with care is our code of conduct. 

Shenzhen Red Sun Energy Technology Co., Ltd. understands that the success or failure of things depends on the attitude of doing things. Therefore, the members of the company do things in a way that how to be a person and understand people by the results of what they do. We consider that firstly doing the "right" things and then doing things "right".